• Hoffer,  Society

    More Eric Hoffer

    I don’t remember the exact quotes but the both these are from The True Believer (I think)

    • It is inherent in totalitarian societies to hide weakness and project strength, whereas free societies inherently project weakness and hide strength. ConvertToSteve(This will forever cause misjudgment and bizarre decisions to be made when one deals with the other.)
    • American can never hate foreigners because they feel sorry for them.
  • Islam,  Israel,  Weirdness

    Repeating News

    This is now the third appearance of the Muslim vs. teh Unclean meme, this time taking the form “Calif. Nat’l Guard Sorry About Pig-Blood Flier“. Oddly enough I’ve seen it about the same time every year.

    The gist of the story is that mixing suicide bombers blood with an “unclean” animal would discourage the suicide bomber from killing people. For example, a bus in Israel could have a bucket of pig’s blood on board. Were the bus to explode the unclean blood would forever taint the suicide bomber’s final remains, and therefore, no paradise and 72 virgins for him.

    Naturally, Snopes has an article on this. Short summary, it’s a very improbable solution.

    The desire for simplistic solutions to complex problems has spawned several widely-circulated messages of late which seek to transform a fight against terrorism to the easily-manageable level of a horror film or a comic strip. Today’s popular notion is the concept that a pig is to a Muslim as a crucifix is to a vampire — simply arm yourself with a porker, and you can use it to render even the most fanatical terrorist helpless, sending him cowering in fear lest he come into contact with anything porcine.

    Such notions reduce an extremely widespread and diverse religion — and the people who follow it — to a monolithic entity with a single set of beliefs and rules to which everyone adheres. Islam has a variety of sects and sub-sects just as Christianity has a multiplicity of denominations; assuming that all “Muslims” believe and behave identically is like assuming that all Catholics and Baptists believe and behave identically because both of the latter groups are “Christians.” In one sense, messages such as the ones quoted above could be considered as silly as Muslims’ proclaiming that a good way to throw the USA into disarray would be to “bomb” America with juicy steaks on Fridays, because “Americans are Christians,” and “everyone knows Christians who eat meat on Fridays go to Hell.” Never mind that not all Americans are Christians, that not all Christians are Catholics, that not all Catholics believe in exactly the same things, that not all Catholics are equally religious or faithful, and that even the “rules” of Catholicism have changed over time.

    I would quibble over the user of the term “simplistic” when what is actually meant is “simple”. Of course people would want simple solutions over complicated ones.

    Then again, as I prowl the Snopes site, I see this legend, marked true: “An article from The Jewish Journal describes Israeli doctors’ providing blood to Palestinians who were injured at Jenin but refused to be given “Jewish blood.”

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  • Soviet


    In one of life’s better ironies, the ice axe used to murder Leon Trotsky might be for sale:

    But tests that could prove the weapon’s authenticity have been delayed by a dispute between the ice pick’s owner, who is shopping it around, and Trotsky’s descendants, who want it donated to a revolutionary museum — proving that the struggle between socialist ideals and capitalism is continuing.

    The ice pick is in the possession of Ana Alicia Salas, whose father apparently removed it from an evidence room while serving as a secret police commander in the 1940s.

    She is toying with the idea of selling the foot-long, sawed-off ice ax, though she says she hasn’t decided how much it’s worth.

    Just a few blocks away, Trotsky’s grandson, who keeps the revolutionary flame alive by maintaining Trotsky’s home as a museum, says he wants the pick.

    Trotsky helped lead the 1917 Russian revolution, but split with dictator Josef Stalin and fled to Mexico in 1937, accusing Stalin of having betrayed the revolution.

    Stalin is widely believed to have arranged Trotsky’s murder, in which a young man posing as a sympathizer sneaked up behind Trotsky and sank the ice pick into his skull. Trotsky died the next day.

    In this story you have state murder, theft, corruption, and media pretension all in one story, which is a very fitting coda for the Soviet experiment.

    What gets me is the insinuation “Stalin is widely believed to have arranged Trotsky’s murder” when it is established fact that he ordered it. Oh well.

    And get your “Axe Me About Communism” shirt here.

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  • Bluegrass,  Music


    I have now been downloading the Telluride bluegrass festival (a legal download) for a day and a half now. It’s a legal download off of BluegrassBox.com. I’m surprised that someone offered it in it’s entirety this way.

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  • Islam

    More thoughts on London

    Instapundit pretty well sums up my view of the matter, but the whole business has led a few things to come to mind:

    One thing absent from most analysis of the current world situation is the far reach of the community aspect (Ummah I believe) of Islam:

    It is correctly used to mean the nation of the believers (Ummah Al-Muhmini) in Islam, thus the whole Muslim world.

    In practical terms it takes the form of a meta-loyalty that competes with national loyalties (probably the reason the wretched term “Muslim-American” is used instead of “American Muslim”). I suppose the nearest comparison is the affinity of many American Jews for Israel, as well as the clamor for leniency for Jonathan Pollard. It also explains the attention given to Israeli treatment of Palestinians compared to the relatively scant attention given to all of the problems in Kyrgistan, Egypt, Sudan et al (in-team vs out-team)

    For the most part though there is simply no matching comparison for Americans. Islam gives many Muslims a competing loyalty which Westerners have problems understanding but seems very natural to Muslims. This “team” aspect to the religion (a horizontal and not vertical faith, I’ll elaborate on that later) gives overlap to loyalties and goes far to explain the wholly inadequate Muslim response to terrorism.

    In looking over this I see I shouldn’t post at 4:00 in the morning if I want to impress people with clarity.

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  • Tech

    Technical Annoyances

    I find out through experimentation that while my UPS is in fact working, it does NOT include surge protection (like every other UPS in the world).

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  • Photography

    New gallery!

    I just uploaded all of the photos Mark and I took last night.

    The photos were taken at

    1. Howell Mill Drive, from the parking lot of some furniture store with a great view.
    2. A vacant but recently graded area that overlooked the new Ikea store. The grading made everything look like the surface of the moon.
    3. The park in the middle of the Atlantic Steel Mill project.
    4. The 75/85 overpass at the corner of Peachtree and Deering.

    Check it Out

  • Economics,  Hoffer

    The Wall Street Journal echoes me

    While reading the diary of Eric Hoffer I came across his account of talking an old Russian emigre who claimed that the long-term effects of Communism in Russia was biological. To wit all of the people who were naturally talented farmers, managers and such were sent to die in Siberian labor camps.

    The authors of Freakonomics make a similar point when discussing abortion and the dramatic drop in crime since the early 90’s. Their argument: unwanted pregnancies become unwanted children who are far more likely to commit crimes. Seems pretty believable.

    I hadn’t thought of the crime angle but I had thought that the long term effect, or the Roe Effect would be, to quote the Jargon Database

    An up and coming term; is the tendency of the “pro-life” people to have more children than “pro-choice” people. Since pro-lifers tend to be politically more conservative and they pass this political outlook on to their children. There are fewer corresponding pro-choice children to acquire pro-choice (an other) values.

    Rather, legalized abortion will produce people who don’t support it. It is not an Evolutionary Stable Strategy.

    James Taranto in the Wall Street Journal reaches my same conclusion before I write about it. Oh well.

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