Quick round up
- Virtual Earth and Local.Live.com are very cool, with very good arial photography.
- I am undecided about Geek Entertainment TV
- Charles seems like a cool program.
- Acronis seems to be a cool backup program.
- A free book about information markets.
- N-Unit ASP seems like a good tool.
- The Russian birth rate is up.
- Libertarian views on the Iraq war, from Reason Magazine.
- A budget photography lighting system.
- A wired article on arial photgraphy.
- An interesting post from David Friedman about immigration and the welfare state.
- European Demography.
The techno lust is strong for this one
Specifically, the Garmin Street Pilot I3. I think I’ll have use for it on a project later this year. Amazon has it for $299 as well.
New and cool (Bruce version)
Amazon has a new Springsteen video on their site. It’s from his new Pete Seeger tribute album, which I still think is an odd thing for him to do. He does not seem to be using Seeger’s style, which would not be a good fit for him.
‘We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions’ will be released in DualDisc format, with the full album on one side of the disc and DVD content on the other side. The 30 minute video side of the DualDisc contains extensive behind the scenes footage of the recording of the album. In addition, the DualDisc package will contain two bonus tracks and a special booklet including a note from Springsteen.
which is a nice touch. A very good way to get people to actually buy the disc instead of downloading it from somewhere.
And Pete Seeger’s only worthwhile quote is “Any darn fool can make something complex; it takes a genius to make something simple.”
Yet another good one from Jane Galt
It’s about conflict between working and stay at home moms. It goes into it in ways I’ve never thought of before.
Cynthia McKinney actually manages to top her “Negro Tolerance Level” quote with her most recent escapade.
Although nothing is as strange as:
Three Men Charged in ‘Dungeon’ Castration
Three men have been arrested on charges of performing castrations on apparently willing participants in a sadomasochistic “dungeon” in a rural house, authorities said Friday.“It’s extremely bizarre,” District Attorney Michael Bonfoey said in a telephone interview. “It’s incredible the amount of ways that people can find to run afoul of the law.”
Sheriff’s investigators said Richard Sciara, 61, Danny Reeves, 49, and Michael Mendez, 60, admitted performing at least eight surgeries, including castrations and testicle replacements, on six consenting clients over the past year. None of the three is licensed to practice medicine, officials said.
Each man faces 10 felony counts — five each of castration without malice and conspiracy to commit castration without malice — as well as eight misdemeanor counts of performing medical acts without a license. Each felony carries a maximum three years and three months in prison, Bonfoey said.
Stranger still is that there was already a law against this sort of thing. How often does this sort of thing happen?
Quick Saturday afternoon round up
- Baltic Crusades – on WikiPedia. Interesting.
- Tips for startup companies
- The torn up credit card application – this is scary – get a shredder now.
- An interesting article about the self-described “The Hell with them Hawks.“
- Interesting post from Marginal Revolution about inherent tensions in libertarianism.
- Borders is refusing to stock a magazine that is showing the Mohammed cartoons. More here and here.
Odd statements
The consensus response after I tell people that sparks flew out of my new vacuum is “What? You were vacuuming? Really?”