Monday rapid fire
- The best use of graphic thumbnails I’ve seen
- Calculate your Body Mass Index. This seems a tad unrealistic, and if this is what people are using to measure America’s obesity “Epidemic” I’m much less impressed. It seems over broad and crappy. For instance, my ideal weight range is between 137 and 183, a difference of 46 pounds.
- Stirling Engines!
- Kurdistan, the other Iraq, it’s where all of the American troops will be should a full fledged civil war break out. Described my Michael Totten as “a Muslim Utah”. Shoul Iraq break up, this will be the country we subsidize most, besides Israel.
- $10 Panoramic Tripod Head – I need one of these.
- Apex Predators
- How much is inside….
- Cheap Handlebar mounts – something else I need.
- Milton Friedman TV!