Three items of interest
- The UltraMarathon Man
- David Lee Roth Doing Bluegrass – sort of disturbing
- Not disturbing is Norman Blake in a rare YouTube appearance
Perfectly put
Don his open letter to Lou Dobbs. Why he’s taken more seriously than Bill O’Reilly or Cynthia McKinney I’ll never know.
put it very well in -
Quick round up to clear off some firefox tabs
- An interesting Interface
- Why Hawks Win – an interesting article
- A good deal on health insurance
- Dashboard Mohamed – I’m not that brave myself….
- ASP.net AJAX Cheatsheets
- The lives of the first web builders, in wacky Canadian form.
Best characterisation of Iraq
From Winston Churchill “An ungrateful volcano”
via Andrew Sullivan on BloggingHeads
Moon shadow
Taken quite late at night, under a nearly full moon.
Another article that is well worth reading
From John Robb who predicts a coming privatization of security and the basic functions of the modern state
Security will become a function of where you live and whom you work for, much as health care is allocated already. Wealthy individuals and multinational corporations will be the first to bail out of our collective system, opting instead to hire private military companies, such as Blackwater and Triple Canopy, to protect their homes and facilities and establish a protective perimeter around daily life.
Read the whole thing.
The funniest thing I’ve read all year
French marchers say ‘non’ to 2007
Parodying the French readiness to say “non”, the demonstrators in the western city of Nantes waved banners reading: “No to 2007” and “Now is better!”
The marchers called on governments and the UN to stop time’s “mad race” and declare a moratorium on the future.
Apocalyptic reading for the Tech Crowd
When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth
That’s the fiction reading of the new year – for the disturbing nonfiction reading check out North Carolina Woman Charged With Malicious Castration After Attacking Man’s Genitals. It’s disturbing mostly in that there are other kinds of castration in North Carolina.
Short 2006 best of list
- Best New Movie – The Departed
- Best Book – Truth Imagined by Eric Hoffer
- Best TV Show – The Shield
- Best Old Movie Seen For the First Time – Tie – The Seventh Seal (Ingmar Bergman) / The Testament of Dr Mabeuse (Fritz Lang) / The Big Sleep (Bogart/Bacall). Only The Big Sleep is in English, where as the other two are probably much better off being subtitled. All three are from the 30s and 40s.
- Best New Gadget – Garmin Street Pilot – I never get lost anymore
- Best New General Interest Site – DamnInteresting.com
- Best Concert – Prince – though to be honest I didn’t see that many in 2006
- Best New Band discovered – Freakwater – I have no idea how I managed to not know about them until this year, they’re perfect for me.
- Biggest physical accomplishment – Biking the entire Silver Comet Trail – 126 miles – in one day with no rest and very few stops for water and such. It did take forever
- Biggest professional accomplishment – staying in business for another year I suppose
- Biggest artistic accomplishment – successfully finishing two whole songs, and actually doing open mic nights