Wednesday round up
- 5 Techniques for Enhancing Contrast in Digital Photos
- “Breeding dysentery in the ranks” – the best misuses of the English language in the Sopranos
- What journalists need to know about economics – quite good
Wars in the Middle East are officially a vested interest
I read this article on CNN.com
White House taps general for ‘war czar’ post
President Bush has chosen Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute, the Pentagon’s director of operations, to oversee the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan as a “war czar” after a long search for new leadership, administration officials said Tuesday.In the newly created position, Lute would serve as an assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser, and would also maintain his military status and rank as a three-star general, according to a Pentagon official.
and was reminded of this Albert Jay Nock quote:
Experience has made it clear beyond doubt or peradventure that prohibition in the United States is not a moral issue; it is not essentially, even, a political issue; it is a vested interest.
and this H.L. Mencken quote:
The New Deal began, like the Salvation Army, by promising to save humanity. It ended, again like the Salvation Army, by running flop-houses and disturbing the peace.
We have this horrible tendency in our culture to see the means (a big new bureaucracy) as an end in itself, nay, an achievement. What endeavor has failed because there are too few managers? The right managers, sure, lots of failures due to a lack of them. But too few?
Plus an additional bureaucracy just creates it’s own principal-agent and knowledge problems.
Functionally Lute will probably serve as a dedicated adviser, but why the title Czar? All of the Russian Czars were an odd combination of stagnant, incompetent and murderous. Why is that some role model.
Tuesday rapid fire
- A BBC documentary about Private Military Companies
- Geoengineering
- Amazon.com buys DPReview.com – I’ve bought my last two camera based on DP Review’s recommendations
- High Dynamic Range photography – I’m surprised I haven’t heard of this before. A flickr group is here, and the photoshop tutorial is here. I’ll probably have some examples soon.
- Photoshop madness – unmentioned is American free time
New photo gallery
Characterization of Environmentalism
A random thought: A useful way of distinguishing amongst environmentalism is that people see the world as a museum that can never be changed, and mankind must adapt their behavior to suit it, and not the other way around. A good example would be those who would have us reduce our carbon emissions rather than take positive steps to take carbon out of the air (for instance using the proposed carbon vacuums or the algae-iron flakes method).
I realize it’s the views are seldom in stark conflict.
Monday link roundup
- It’s Wiretap the Internet Day – what have we come to in this country. Sigh.
- Entrepreneurial Adages – All quite true. in particular
Start with nothing, and have nothing for as long as possible — small budgets give big focus
- Battlefield spy-bot – really cool
- Tribal Minds
- The indispensable Col. Patrick Lang has an outline of what a diplomatic solution to Iraq might look like. I would read all of it. Webbed version of the outline is here.
The tin can Stirling engine
I came across simple plans for a tin can Stirling Engine on the interweb, I think I’m going to build one. I’ve had some thoughts on how to pair one up with a solar chimney that might actually work. I’ll keep everyone posted.
Sunday photography
I wound up taking some shots for a friend of mine’s site and wound up with a lot of good shots. My brother took the one of me (the first one) and I took the one of Steve Coffey (of the band the Rockin’ Pontoons) (the second one). Galleries on the way soon.
Taken at my brother’s house
Taken off of North Highland
Reason #93,843 for private schools
This is quite weird
Teachers Stage Fake Gun Attack on Kids
MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — Staff members of an elementary school staged a fictitious gun attack on students during a class trip, telling them it was not a drill as the children cried and hid under tables.The mock attack Thursday night was intended as a learning experience and lasted five minutes during the weeklong trip to a state park, said Scales Elementary School Assistant Principal Don Bartch, who led the trip.
“We got together and discussed what we would have done in a real situation,” he said.
Today’s quote of the day goes to…
Cokie Roberts who characterized Barack Obama as “the candidate from Whole Foods”.