Adventures in profiling
The New York Times wins the saggy pants headline contest with “The Boxer Rebellion“. It’s about the current mini-craze to outlaw thug-style fashion in some cities. I have no idea why we would want to outlaw this fashion statement. How you dress says a lot about a person, and in this case it says “I’m a ridiculous person who’s wasting my time, and I’ll probably waste yours”. Isn’t it better to know that in the two seconds it takes to see a person instead of the five minutes it might take talking to him?
We should be encouraging this sort of behavior instead of outlawing it. This is America, and time is valuable.
Kudos to CNN.com
I’m linked from their From the Blogs Section on this story.
An interesting article in the New Yorker
Check out Parallel Play by Tim Page, about a life with Aspberger syndrome. I’ve got most of these personality traits (and other characteristics) but several orders of magnitude less severe.
The funniest thing I’ve read today
While getting my credit report in advance of the new mortgage
Should you wish to contact TransUnion, you may do so
Wow! Why do they feel it’s necessary to put that there?
A riduculous commentary on America
The most controversial Attourney General in years resigns and the main headline everywhere is an athlete’s admission of guilt. WTF?
Pirates are the new ninjas
Check out the Hipster Olympics.
Very well put
From Zeldman on designing on spec
Design is only partly decoration. Mainly it is problem solving. Unless the RFP spells out site goals and user needs in phenomenal detail, you can’t create an appropriate design because you don’t yet know what problems need to be solved.
Now I find out…
After complaining for years about how I have nothing in common with my neighbors, today I find out that one of my neighbor’s loves to talk politics and is a fellow Ron Paul supporter. Pesky lopsided timing…
To hunt the house you have to think like a house
I went out with Jim (the Realtor) for the first time today and found a couple good prospects, one of which I really liked. We also discovered that there is a ton of crap in East Atlanta, including what seemed like an operational crackhouse for sale. The term “No disclosure” is a big one on property listings.
This hairstyle is called the Fascist
Check out this piece on youth hairstyles Iranian state TV. There’s a bizarre amount of KISS footage. My favorite quote from the comments
Ironically Gene Simmons has had at least 72 virgins and he didn’t even have to martyr himself.