Books,  Fifth Gen Warfare,  Religion

Fifth Generation Warfare sighted in the wild!

Check out this interview on bloggingheads with the author of The Family, which is a book about a loose network of self dealing Christians in high placed.

From the interview (I haven’t read the book yet) it seems to match all of the definitions of 5GW (loose as they may be), and it’s been around since the 30s as well.

Thoughts from my fellow war nerds, which is to say Soob and Slog?


  • Purpleslog

    Fascinating podcast. It does seem to be a 5GW or proto-5GW. I am backed up on stuff at the moment, but I am going to listen to the podcast again and then research some other stuff on them.

    Great find!

  • Steve

    I thought you would like it, I need to actually read the book; it seems like all groups like this evolve away from their self stated purposes into bloated vested interests, but judging from the interview it seems like this might be an exception.

  • Purpleslog

    well, did they evolve way..or where they co-opted by others to be a front? It seems their original methods may bot have been successful, so they switch to a 5GW-ish mode.

    They definitely want to effect change on “the Church” in the general sense and society.

    I will be getting the book too.