Monday quote – Utah Phillips edition
I’ve been feeling very Western in sentiment lately, and less Southern I suppose – I find myself thinking more about how my Grandfather described America, i.e. bounded disparate identities moving in the same direction (that’s how I remember it anyway) – which made this quote ring true.
Yes, the long memory is the most radical idea in this country. It is the loss of that long memory which deprives our people of that connective flow of thoughts and events that clarifies our vision, not of where we’re going, but where we want to go.”
Quote of the day – Trump Version
From the Sam Harris podcast
If he can’t grope it, or put gold letters on it, it doesn’t exist.
One unnoted correlation regarding gays and the military
Seemingly the gayer the military gets, i.e. starting with don’t ask , don’t tell, then to openly serving, then to the current whatever transgender terminology the stature of the military has gone up, by any measure I can think of, in every quarter of society. Come to think of it, it’s probably gone too far, and we we’re not exercising enough oversight and thought like we should.
I have no greater point, but it’s odd that no one else has noticed the connection.