More thoughts on the 2024 election – personality goes a long way with the internet invisible
It seems that with the current wealth of data available on the country at large and demographic groups in particular, the electorate is actually getting less legible, particularly the not as online parts of the electorate. This advantages a more instinctive, intuitive style of politics, i.e. Trump. The side that relies more on quantitative data will be further away from the voter’s concerns than the side that goes with their gut, particularly when the “insiders” however defined are not as representative of the electorate as they think.
The other factor in play is the sheer amount of personality in the candidates. Trump was full of quirks, weaknesses, foibles, immorality and who knows what else. Harris was full of…. something? Maybe? Stage management? That seems to be what modern politics selects for (a la Mitt Romney) which advantages a colorful non political candidate from outside traditional politics who can take over an established party.
Up next – thoughts on issue bundling!