Make an angry face
Stalin: The Kremlin Mountaineer – a most excellent little book
So – I stumbled across Stalin: The Kremlin Mountaineer on Amazon (it’s a Kindle single) and it’s the best book I’ve read on anything Russian, ever, and the first book in a number of years I’ve wished was longer. The single strangest thing I learned was that Collective Farming was inspired by a giant American farm somewhere in the upper Midwest.
My early Mr Robot prediction
I think the big reveal of the show will be that E-Corp/China has somehow conquered death, and people live forever in emulation. Angela will be revealed to be housing the emulation/image of her mom much like Elliot houses his dad. And somehow – being pushed out the window was the cover for implanting the software (or something like that).
Quote of the day
From dot net rocks (regarding interuptions and software project management)
You have to stop yanking the flower out of the ground to see how the roots are growing.
Russian click through rates are quite high
I was perusing some of the Russian facebook ads and noticed that the click through rates are astronomical – pretty much all of them over 10%! I wonder if all facebook ads are that way.
My costume this year
The fallen trees
Marleigh and the dragon
We finally see Dan Bern
The government does something cool
And I suppose Trump should be credited in some way, and even more if the JFK files actually come out, but the FBI just released their files on Geek Hero Nikola Tesla!