• alt right

    Everything old is new again – our fun new McCarthyism – and more random thoughts

    One thing that seems to be coming about lately is that the modern left is “shaming” and doxxing the participants in whatever sort of right you want to the rally last weekend – in a manner eerily reminiscent of McCarthy’s blacklist.

    I don’t have any particular problem with that, there is no right to privacy when in public, though people with meaningful work seldom in mass movements so I’m not sure what difference it will make.

    Random thoughts

    On an unrelated note, it’s interesting to hear people who would never ask the average Muslim to apologize for ISIS (which is the morally correct path) carefully parse Trump’s words and find them wanting, as if there is some right answer they would be happy with.

    I think the alt-right, such as it is, will continue to punch above it’s weight in terms of ideological impact (which is actually quite small, but outsize in terms of media attention) because they are actually showing up to persuade, at least a little bit, compared to their sworn enemies who are merely adding profanity to the conventional wisdom.  The alt right worldview is both coherent, new and Utopian, albeit lacking in morality and accuracy.  The progressive left is stuck trying to paint modern reality as experienced by those with degrees in the humanities as the best of all possible worlds.  Both are victims of the narrative and intentional fallacies to high degrees, as one would expect for people who go to marches

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  • Hoffer

    More thoughts on our modern violent scene

    • No one seems to differentiate between Nazism and fascism anymore
    • The “passionate” seem to differentiate their enemies by nothing save ideology, no region, habits, circumstance, etc.
    • No one seems to mention that the more vociferous the protester, than more active social media, and the more marginal the employment  (so it seems to me anyway – that would be a good study for someone)
    • Hoffer quotes of the day

      The less justified a man is in claiming excellence for his own self, the more ready he is to claim all excellence for his nation, his religion, his race or his holy cause.


      It is easier to hate an enemy with much good in him than one who is all bad. We cannot hate those we despise. The Japanese had an advantage over us in that they admired us more than we admired them. They could hate us more fervently than we could hate them. The Americans are poor haters in international affairs because of their innate feeling of superiority over all foreigners. An American’s hatred for a fellow American (for Hoover or Roosevelt) is far more virulent than any antipathy he can work up against foreigners. It is of interest that the backward South shows more xenophobia than the rest of the country. Should Americans begin to hate foreigners wholeheartedly, it will be an indication that they have lost confidence in their own way of life.


      Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance. A mass movement offers them unlimited opportunities for both.

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  • Hoffer

    The current political mess and people popping under pressure

    I’m reminded of two things in light of the recent Charlottesville murder(s).

    1.  Dan Carlin’s observation that this is what happens when pressure builds up in a society – the weak parts just start popping.  He was originally talking about the stabbing murders in Portland and the congressional shooting in Virginia.  To wit – political violence in America is rarely planned, and often carried out by short term thinkers, the highly anxious,  the failed artists, the “frustrated” (in Hoffer’s sense)
    2. I heard a debate after the Newtown murders about video games.  One person rightfully said that there are no studies directly linking the two.  The other rightfully said that there is no way to have a control group, and raised the question – if you were going to train someone to commit horrible crimes like that (a Manchurian candidate for our modern times I suppose) wouldn’t you want to find some mentally or socially aberrant (pick your dysfunction, anxiety, addiction, neurotic or any bad thing that comes from a horrible childhood) person and have them virtually shoot things for 8 hours a day?  Substitute our modern wealth of outrage media, sleep deprivation, drugs (pick any really), and I think you get the same result.

    Sadly Eric Hoffer gets more relevant every day.


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  • Quotes,  Utah Phillips

    Monday quote – Utah Phillips edition

    I’ve been feeling very Western in sentiment lately, and less Southern I suppose – I find myself thinking more about how my Grandfather described America, i.e. bounded disparate identities moving in the same direction (that’s how I remember it anyway) – which made this quote ring true.

    Yes, the long memory is the most radical idea in this country. It is the loss of that long memory which deprives our people of that connective flow of thoughts and events that clarifies our vision, not of where we’re going, but where we want to go.”

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  • Military

    One unnoted correlation regarding gays and the military

    Seemingly the gayer the military gets, i.e. starting with don’t ask , don’t tell, then to openly serving, then to the current whatever transgender terminology the stature of the military has gone up, by any measure I can think of, in every quarter of society.  Come to think of it, it’s probably gone too far, and we we’re not exercising enough oversight and thought like we should.

    I have no greater point, but it’s odd that no one else has noticed the connection.

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  • Trump

    Transgender Dog Whistles

    So, the whole “transgender issue”, whatever that is seems to be the premier dog whistle and distraction of the age – Trump just made some pronouncement on the topic – which will gin up lots of controversy, which probably means that there is some other more important, probably brand detrimental bit of news that will be coming down the pike soon.  Russia?  Sessions?  Healthcare?

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