Quote of the day….
From a Lorne Green song on Pandora
Gold makes a fine servant but a cruel master
Extremely well put – re: the working class and the Democratic Party
From this extremely good article on the poorest town in America
They say, why aren’t these people voting their self-interest? People always vote their self-interest if they can see it. If they believe the government doesn’t work, if they believe that the Democrats don’t really give a shit about people like them, don’t want to be in the same room with them, they want their vote but don’t want to hang out with them, then as they see it they’re voting their self-interest,” he said.
Inside the mad scientist lair…
Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone
New Motto
When in doubt – think like a bookie.
Our modern times
Microsoft is drop shipping me something from China! It’s amazing the supply chain is that integrated.
We used to call it the flypaper strategy
The more things change…
It occurred to me today that the events in Syria/Iraq etc are more or less a replay of the events of 2005 – i.e. every wannabe mass murderer the world over is gravitating to the place where their deviancy is rewarded (sort of like Richard Florida’s “Creative Class” theory, but with beheadings). Back then we called it the “Flypaper Strategy” and was seens as a good thing to have them all in one place, far away, and fighting military units. Now we are all quite apprehensive about it – and worry about what happens when they come home, if they do.
The greater meaning eludes me.
Motto of the current Republican party
“Lets all be afraid together!”
Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone
The malware of goodness
New IOT virus does security checking for you
Wifatch is a bit of code that slips through the back door of routers and other IoT devices, closes off Telnet to prevent further infection, and leaves a message telling the owner to change the password and update the device firmware. Wifatch isn’t keeping any secrets, either: most of the code is written in unobfuscated Perl, and there are debug messages that enable easy analysis of the code. This is code that’s meant to be taken apart, and code that includes a comment directed at NSA and FBI agents:
The funniest thing I read today
From the header of Crypto Party
A good term I came across
“Organized Common Sense” from this Farnham Street Post