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    Weekly goals in review 2013-08-25

    This is week two  – for week one see here.


    The goals were


    1. Finish FM Mobile – DONE
    2. Write new client site diagnosis/audit – DONE
    3. SEO audit modifications – NOT DONE
    4. Send Makeup company stuff off to contractors – DONE
    5. Directory Site – get ready to send off – I wound up doing this myself for logistical reasons – DONE
    6. Finish CE Site – NOT DONE
    7. Aquanauts Mods – DONE
    8. Set up two meetings – DONE
    9. Set up 2 on CC billing – DONE
    10. Roadmap Site migration – conceptual work done, not written though – NOT DONE
    11. Golf Site Fixes – DONE
    12. Accounting – DONE
    13. Look for proposals on Docracy.com  – didn’t find anything good  – DONE

    So, I’m 10 for 13, or .76%.  That should probably be the target percentage.

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  • Weekly Goals

    A new goals scheme

    So – in imitation/emulation of Sebastian Marshall I am doing weekly goals for my company life.

    Last week was Week  (8-11-2013) – here they are (somewhat anonymized for client privacy)

    1. Refine FM site – DONE
    2. Finalize current draft of CE site – NOT DONE
    3. Record CE Site Tutorials – NOT DONE
    4. Fix Lingering Radio site problems – DONE
    5. Review R’s site and contract – DONE
    6. Fix annoying login mysql/php communication problem on DTF blog – NOT DONE (actually I did try this and have learned more about the problem, all to no avail)
    7. Implement accounting changes with two clients – NOT DONE
    8. Create proposals and followup for three clients – DONE
    9. Modify files to MC and send to subcontractor – BLOCKED (by circumstance beyond my control.

    So, in the first week I’m batting about .500 – with one block.  There was one surprise project that happened during the week (actually a future project that got moved up) that I successfully pulled off that would have been on next weeks list and all of my actual deadlines got met.

    So – what thoughts does this spark in reviewing the tasks?

    1. 20% of the goals were on basic infrastructure (accounting and the login problem) – both of which were prioritized down and not done.  20% seems like the right percentage of infrastructure/capital investment goals
    2. I spent far too much time writing the proposals – that seems like an excellent area for improvements – I need to develop more stock components and simplify delivery.  You would think I would do more of that with my current provider, BidSketch, but I do not seem to be using it for that purpose – I’m going to explore something more bare bones and integrated with my accounting system.  I think that is my best opportunity for a 10X return on time.
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  • NSA

    Spying on terrorists is hard so the NSA spies on Americans instead

    One thing I don’t think anyone has mentioned yet about the current NSA scandals is how easy it must be for the NSA to spy on Americans compared to our enemies.  I imagine that’s why the they does it.

    Terrorist groups are secretive, private and rarely speak English.  Americans are culturally extroverted, have both burning (and boring) secrets equally matched with a fervent desire to express them without being judged negatively, and speak passable English in most cases.

    If you were being judged on the number of “Possible” catastrophes averted, who would you rather spy on?

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  • Uncategorized


    If your favorite product, brand, band, whatever, were associated with Larry the Cable Guy, would that change your enjoyment of it?

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  • Cryptography

    Paranoid Crypto thought of the day

    Aside from massive damage to theThe prime effect of the Edward Snowden/NSA  leaks will probably be a move to encrypting everything.

    Then I thought, maybe that was the intent.    What if the NSA has broken public key encryption and they now have everyone they’re interested in choosing to use it?  It’s using self-selection to do a lot of work for them.

    Not likely I admit, but still…

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  • Health

    My massive health insight of the past week

    In the past three years I

    1. have given up smoking
    2. have given up alcohol
    3. have given up artificial sweeteners
    4. no longer view sleep deprivation as heroism and get much more sleep than I used to
    5. have gone paleo (i.e. no sugars/starches, minimal carbohydrates and high fiber) in my diet

    And while I haven’t stopped aging the signs of aging have more or less vanished.  I now think that aging, up to about fifty or so, should be viewed as your body not forgiving you for damaging it.

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  • Uncategorized

    Why I like Hannibal

    I think part of my enjoyment of Hannibal is seeing the creepy lairs and hideouts, it makes my basement workshop seem not so bad.

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