Ten Commandments, 100 Rules, and 1000 Suggestions
As I mostly keep this blog around to bore my daughter in the future, I guess I should start moralizing early. Towards that end I’m going to start my top ten commandments, one hundred rules, and one thousand suggestion. It will serve as the definitive source for whatever wisdom I believe in at the time, ordered by importance and severity.
Number four
Home from the hospital
Test from phone, with photo
One of my favorite pictures of Marleigh.
As promised, I return – after two years!
I return, triumphantly, to the world of blogging, look upon my works ye mighty, and despair. Or be unimpressed, your call.
Merry Christmas to all
I’m not sure who still reads this at this point, but I did ask the lovely Staci Smith to marry me this evening, and she said yes.
For you detail people, we have not set a date yet, nor a place.
And chicks sure do like shiny things…
I’m blogging elsewhere these days
I’ve devoted most of my free time lately to getting Stronico off the ground, and consequently I’ve been blogging at the Stronico Blog. I’ve decided to write about every problem that takes me more than 15 minutes to solve, it’s my HowToFix series for Silverlight and related technology.
I’m still alive!
Not that you would know it by my pathetic posting. Here’s some links for you, my loyal and neglected followers
- Comparing Modern Education to a Placebo
- Ideas and Execution
- More from Sivers –
Meeting a person who wrote a masterpiece on the back of a deli menu would not surprise me. Meeting a person who wrote a masterpiece with a silver Cartier fountain pen on an antique writing table in an airy SoHo loft would seriously surprise me.
A fancy tool just gives the second-rater one more pillar to hide behind. Which is why there are so many second-rate art directors with state-of-the-art Macintosh computers.
- I really liked Never Eat Alone