Quote of the day
“Satan is God as he appears to the wicked”
Another de Boerism that should be a yard sign
From this post on feeling valid
I don’t mean to be a bummer here. But it’s important to point out that we’re born in terror, we exist for no reason, we experience confusion and shame as children, we busily prepare ourselves for lives we don’t want or can’t have, we are forced to take on the burdens of adult responsibility, we compromise relentlessly on what life we’ll pursue, we settle and settle and settle, we fear death and ponder our meaninglessness, we experience the horrors of aging, and when we die the only comfort we have is that we aren’t conscious to learn that there was never any heaven or God to give it all meaning. This is the inevitable reality of human life and it can never change.
Interesting threads on religion and hell
This one from Reddit, about things that people say are in the bible, but aren’t – particularly this nugget
I prefer:Light a fire for a man, and keep him warm for a night. Light a man on fire, and he’s warm for the rest of his life.
And this article about the many and varied definitions of hell, which I remember my dad talking about 30 years ago or so (short version, the fire is everlasting, the suffering isn’t – at the end of days the wicked are just erased from existence)
Quote of the day – from Michael Malice on Rogan
Regarding Covid Lockdowns
What this has done is allowed educated urban people who live in a state of anxiety and neuroses and fear to have an external reason for their state of mind.
Quote of the day
Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.”
-Gustav Mahler -
Quote of the Day – Part 2
Another adage from Michael Malice – meaning war takes it’s own path, not the one you want it to take.
Violence sings it’s own song
Quote of the day
From Michael Malice on Lex Fridman
A cynic is a hopeless man who projects his hopelessness onto the world at large.
Quote of the day from Freeman Dyson
I might have posted this before – but it stands true –
Progress in science is often built on wrong theories that are later corrected. It is better to be wrong than to be vague.
The logic being that if wrong you’ve at least eliminated one possibility in the process of figuring things out – if you’re vague you haven’t.
Quote of the day – short and pithy edition
From this post
God created Man in His own image—and Man, being a gentleman, returned the compliment
Quote of the day – Parenting
From Marleigh
I really like Kate Wolf – her songs are short, sad, and good.