Quote of the Friday edition
From Thomas Sowell
It may be expecting too much to expect most intellectuals to have common sense, when their whole life is based on their being uncommon — that is, saying things that are different from what everyone else is saying. There is only so much genuine originality in anyone. After that, being uncommon means indulging in pointless eccentricities or clever attempts to mock or shock.
Quote of the day
From Garrett Hardin
Extremism appears to lead to clear-cut decisions, whereas moderation embarrasses us by emphasizing problems that are yet to be solved.
Quote of the day
It is plain that the core of his identity, his heart of hearts, is not that of a man who is black. It is that of a man who knows a whole lot more about things than you do and is intent on setting you straight, at length if necessary, if you’d only listen. Take a look at those glasses, that awkward grin, those sweater-vests, and consider his deep interest in Albert Einstein and other geniuses: Thomas Sowell is less an African American than a Nerd American.
Quote of the day – Southern Prayer Version
From Slate Star Codex
Traditional Borderer prayer: “Lord, grant that I may always be right, for thou knowest I am hard to turn.”
The simple way of determining if machines threaten your job
Machines taking jobs has been an interest of mine, since I read Tyler Cowen’s Average Is Over – and all the blog posts and what not since then.
Seemingly the best rule of thumb is that if you can do your job while a little drunk, then the machines are already on the way! The judgement of algorithms is good enough at this point to make up for what machines cannot determine.
Quote of the day
Genius is an event, not an attribute
Phrase of the day
From somewhere on Pandora
Sick of being the Powerless Elite
A handy pejorative for your political opponents!
Atheism, Agnostics and annoyances
It occurred to me while listening to a podcast that my primary frustration with agnostics and atheists is the conflation of either a lack of thinking or a lack of imagination with “Reason”. I am an adherent to the Hoffer/Haidt notion that religion is (in part) a sense, that people have to varying degrees. I lack a sense for sushi, as well as jazz – such spectrum quirks should not be equated with logic, reason and thought.
Quote of the moment
From a podcast, something like
“Our modern age is defined by being asynchronous”
Quote of the day….
From a Lorne Green song on Pandora
Gold makes a fine servant but a cruel master