
  • Biz

    Google power

    On Friday I created my post on the new site. Monday morning I hear from the client that the post is showing up third on Google. Things have changed considerably since the Yahoo and Alta Vista Days.

  • Biz website!

    Ever since I went in business for myself (5 years ago now) my largest client has been Nine Rodessa. And we’ve talked about doing a new website since then; happily other projects have taken priority and there has never been enough time to actually build the site. At long last the site has been created and built. It’s a fine mix of high-end design, Flash video and Ajax, all administered via a lovely content administration system. For this type of work I think it’s the finest I’ve ever done.

    Check it out.

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  • Biz

    The report of silence

    It didn’t work for very long. Working without music focused my attention for several hours, but after that my attention span dropped. A good experiment nonetheless.

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  • Biz,  Personality

    Days of rage

    Not only have I worked for free for 30 hours in the past two days on a Classic ASP (obsolete in 2003 if any one is curious) project mind you (a long story I won’t share here) but now I find that my car won’t start.

    Predictably, I’ve noticed that I’m fighting the urge to grind my teeth and have a sudden urge to clean the house. It’s odd those are always my responses to anger and stress.

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  • Biz,  rants


    Though I’ve said this before, never again will I try to fix someone else’s work, or deal with client’s at the end of a project if I haven’t dealt with them in the beginning.

    An enraging day was had by me.

    Update at 6:15 – it’s sad when a different server error is the high point of a (so far) 12 hour day.

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  • Biz,  Tech

    A thousand curses upon Comcast Broadband

    I’ve been getting 90% packet loss on all upstream traffic all day, which pretty much kills any and all productivity on my part. The tech support couldn;t do anything and had to schedule a service appointment for Thursday.

    Does anyone know if you can get DSL without a phone number?

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