Getting a dark monitor tan
I’ve been working for a week solid, and here I am still sitting in front of a screen. On a gorgeous day when I should be riding. Humbug.
Catch up
While I’m uploading massive files, I think I’ll post some photos I took last week.
This lovely little praying mantis was outside my door reflecting on life when I came back from the fun filled Armchair Media 5th birthday party. He was kind enough to stay still long enough for me to test the macro feature on the new Canon.
Speaking of Armchair, their party was a blast, here is an interestingly dressed bartender. She called it her “Space Look”.
These all night work sessions get harder and harder to do.
A horrible dream
Last night I had a dream where I went back to work in corporate America. It was truly horrible, oceans of cubicles, schedules and faceless (literally in the dream) drones. How does anyone stand it? It was much like my time at CMD.
Saturday rapid fire
- Make a timeline of your life – it could be cool, but too revealing
- Time Maps
- Top 10 Signs You’re Made to be an Entrepreneur 6.
You spend more time and energy looking for easier, faster, cheaper, more effective ways of accomplishing something than if you just did the task outright.
- Prosopagnosia – The inability to recognize faces. Or the way of the Steve.
- A good wrap up of the Goldstein – Frisch battle by Wendy McElroy. I still find it odd that Fox News employs a Canadian anarchist as a columnist, but she does seem popular there.
- The Agitator’s Fox column about Swat Teams and no-knock warrants. It would seem that the best way to fix the problem is to assign liability to Judges who sign errant warrants, though I don’t think anyone has suggested that yet.
- A very good post on why the current world situation is NOT World War III.
Biz Links
Quote of the moment
There is scarcely anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse, and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man’s lawful prey.
John Ruskin -
Blinded by the white
After four long years, the Creative Plumbing website gets a long overdue makeover. I decided to concentrate on a simple black and white look. I’ll be adding portfolio items over the next few days.
More world domination planning
Green Media Works and I continue our schemes to dominate the globe. After the meeting we took some pictures from the roof of his lovely downtown office. -
Finally done for the night
Such an evil project. A cool link is WikiMapia.