
  • Guitar

    When turning a 12 string guitar make sure to use chromatic mode

    And not “Guitar Mode”. Heed the lessons on my breaking two strings and use Chromatic Mode – I don’t know why that would be the case, but Chromatic notices the different notes correctly while guitar mode skips some entirely.

    Guitar mode is supposed to do that entirely, but I guess on a 12 string you need the full chromatic range to make the fine adjustments to the octave strings.

  • Adages,  Guitar

    Quote of the day – from YT

    From some video I didn’t bookmark

    I’m only good at two things, playing guitar, and hiding my dependence on anti-psychotic drugs. And I’m all out of Klozapine…

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  • Guitar,  Music

    Lessons learned from recording

    Well, after about a week after hearing what I actually sounded like (via the USB mic) I have cut my practice speed by about 10%. So far I’m liking the result. The tone has improved a good bit, and I’m closer to reaching Norman Blake’s right hand goal of “shaking water off your hand”. It’s a whole arm motion, similar to throwing a baseball, with little wrist effort involved.

    On another note, Mike has pictures from the Millions More March.

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  • Guitar,  Music

    Dreamcatcher Guitar Workshop

    The Lawrence Juber workshop at Dreamcatcher was interesting. There’s no denying that he’s an incredibly talented and innovative player, as well as a master of different tunings. He seemed to be playing a bit too much for the guitar nerd (which is his market) and it wound up being something of an acoustic Satriani, which is good, but not to my taste.