Tuesday rapid fire
I’m back from Kentucky, I’ll have a recap of that soon, in the meantime, here are some interesting links
- Harry Anderson and New Orleans
- An underappreciated man of all time
- Ranking Blogs as newspapers
- Radio Shack fires 400 people by email
- Offshore wind mills – seems pretty cool
- Man Lives to 112 Despite Junk-Food Diet
- This was the funniest SNL skit of all time, surprisingly it’s not on YouTube
- Another good skit is, specifically, Seinfeld meets Oz.
- A seemingly major oil discovery. Probably not as big a deal as everyone thinks it is, but then again, maybe not.
Quick round up
- Criminal caught due to Skype trace
- Al Gore in fact environmentally friendly, or at least environmentally correct.
- Trees that grow 90 feet in six years sound really cool
- This was the problem I had with my car
- Annoying quote of the moment, from which has been irritating me lately, after such good coverage of the Israel-Hez conflict (absent Anderson Cooper)
In the immigration debate, I’ve tried to do three things:
One is to deplore the degree to which the debate is driven by the dark impulse of racism. What concerns many Americans about illegal immigration is the sense that it speeds up the Latinization of the United States — where Anglo-Saxon culture is replaced by Latin culture, where English gives way to Spanish, and where we Americans become strangers in our own land.
He “tries to deplore”? Even, or perhaps especially, in our secular public age need the trappings of religion and loud protestations of faith, but this is taking it to the riduculous. How is it racist to want to keep English as the dominant language, and to not want to become a “stanger in our own land”? That’s dumber than claiming Islam as a “race”.
- Women and their brains
Sunday night round up
- Vile behavior from the bench
- Interesting thoughts on Hezbollah
- One off furniture
- Ipod photoshop style
- Bashing Al Gore
- Scary police impersonators
- Product photography
- Cool bike photos
- The right wing look at the NY Times. This is the only worthwhile thing to appear on the Huffington Post so far.
- An apt cartoon
Monday rapid fire
- The best use of graphic thumbnails I’ve seen
- Calculate your Body Mass Index. This seems a tad unrealistic, and if this is what people are using to measure America’s obesity “Epidemic” I’m much less impressed. It seems over broad and crappy. For instance, my ideal weight range is between 137 and 183, a difference of 46 pounds.
- Stirling Engines!
- Kurdistan, the other Iraq, it’s where all of the American troops will be should a full fledged civil war break out. Described my Michael Totten as “a Muslim Utah”. Shoul Iraq break up, this will be the country we subsidize most, besides Israel.
- $10 Panoramic Tripod Head – I need one of these.
- Apex Predators
- How much is inside….
- Cheap Handlebar mounts – something else I need.
- Milton Friedman TV!
Friday rapid fire
- – very good site
- Lebanon Metaphor One
- Web Photo School
- Lighting 101
- More on Kyoto
- Building the $14 steadycam, you can buy it here
- GPS Article One, Article Two, Windows Media Info
- Alt Energy Blog One
- WindHunter – a good idea, but like most energy ideas, doesn’t exist
- Supacam
- An angry analysis of the current Business Week cover story (about Digg) over at 37 Signals.
Quick round up
Saturday rapid fire
- Make a timeline of your life – it could be cool, but too revealing
- Time Maps
- Top 10 Signs You’re Made to be an Entrepreneur 6.
You spend more time and energy looking for easier, faster, cheaper, more effective ways of accomplishing something than if you just did the task outright.
- Prosopagnosia – The inability to recognize faces. Or the way of the Steve.
- A good wrap up of the Goldstein – Frisch battle by Wendy McElroy. I still find it odd that Fox News employs a Canadian anarchist as a columnist, but she does seem popular there.
- The Agitator’s Fox column about Swat Teams and no-knock warrants. It would seem that the best way to fix the problem is to assign liability to Judges who sign errant warrants, though I don’t think anyone has suggested that yet.
- A very good post on why the current world situation is NOT World War III.
Saturday round up
- Magnificent photography from Afghanistan
- A guide to chopping foods
- Race, Advertising and the Sony Playstation.
- Big Brother mixes with the cast of Friends to create Dodgeball
- An insightful post on Energy from the Winds of Change; it starts
An optimist says the glass is half full, the pessimist says the glass is half empty and the engineer says the glass is the wrong size.
Read the whole thing.
- Some quite impressive numbers you’re not likely to hear about.
In less than three years, the U.S. economic pie has expanded by $2.2 trillion, an output add-on that is roughly the same size as the total Chinese economy, and much larger than the total economic size of nations like India, Mexico, Ireland, and Belgium.
I think Iraq is keeping the political class occupied, much like the Clinton scandals did in the late 90s, and saving us from grand new ideas.
Sunday rapid fire
- Create Visio diagrams programatically
- An interesting interview with Frank Miller
- Creepy pictures from North Korea
- A new studio album from Ramblin’ Jack Elliot!
- I rode past this last week.
Rapid fire and random thoughts
- Interesting thoughts on the use of mercenaries to settle third world conflicts (Darfour, the Congo, etc) at Instapundit and Marginal Revolution. I’m a bit queasy about the idea myself, though it’s probably worth trying.
- Congress asserts amazing immunities for itself. No-knock raids and tear gas are good enough for you and me though.
- Why do we believe anything sponsored by supposedly independent interest groups, in this case, an epidemic of girls going wild?
- A nice AJAX primer from Brainjar.
- Traffic Data in Windows Live Local.
- The current media created craze is the fight club. I think this article misses out on reasons why it is appealing to techies though. If you’re a programmer, you’re spending all day in your virtual world, and stepping into the ring is about as far away from that as you can get.