Quick Monday round up
- Interesting stats on tattoos (and the people who love them)
- Weddings are costly, asymmetrical boondogles everywhere.
- An inspiring story of a woman donating a kidney to a good friend.
- Creating a 1099 Misc form for blackmail seems about right.
- An interesting chart about the progressivity of the tax code under Bush. One little known fact is that he has actually made taxation MORE progressive, not less, mostly by removing millions of people from the tax rolls. No supply-sider he.
- Dear NSA. Not as good as Postsecret, but similar.
Science Tuesday
In further effort to drive the biking in darkness post farther down the page I bring you Popular Mechanics interesting article comparing alternative fuels, as well as their article on souping up the human body.
Rapid Fire Saturday
- How to tell a good story
- Google unleashes free 3-D software
- A very interesting post on how a war with Iran is likely to function.
- LifeHacker on problem solving.
- LifeHacker on starting your own business.
- A guy in Colorado got caught with an infrared traffic light changer, and was only ticket $50! Totally worth it.
- A very good article on this ridiculous “Peak Oil” meme.
Monday round up
- Catch and release attention
- Google Earth now tracks flights.
- Michael Yon is in Afghanistan, with some stunning photography.
- A massive list of free utility software.
- Positive imaging.
Quick round up
- Virtual Earth and are very cool, with very good arial photography.
- I am undecided about Geek Entertainment TV
- Charles seems like a cool program.
- Acronis seems to be a cool backup program.
- A free book about information markets.
- N-Unit ASP seems like a good tool.
- The Russian birth rate is up.
- Libertarian views on the Iraq war, from Reason Magazine.
- A budget photography lighting system.
- A wired article on arial photgraphy.
- An interesting post from David Friedman about immigration and the welfare state.
- European Demography.
Quick round up
- The Simpson’s intro – as done by real people.
- Spaceplanes
- It’s not fascism because we don’t call it fascism – the food police are now after soft drinks.
- Some clear thinking on the morning after pill.
- Evidently AT&T has a 1.9 trillion call database.
- Your tax dollars are paying auto workers not to work.
- An article on tracking public opinion on the internet. I will one day get my blogprophet project up and going.
Quick Round Up
- A cheaper hybrid in the works
- Media format by political affiliation
- Dave Chappelle is quite brazen to be offended that Comedy Central might show some of his unfinished shows. And I would imagine that Chappelle is a total crock.
Thursday rapid fire
- Telegraph fun
- Bluegrass everywhere but here
- It washes, dries and irons! All in one device.
- The Yahoo Ajax blog.
- More Ajax I need to get around to understanding.
- An interesting article about Saddam and WMD. It’s odd how no one seems to be interested in what happened to the WMD. While it’s been proven they’re not there, the details of the removal are absent.
I return from my work-related hiatus
- Gaza shopkeeper stocks up on Danish flags to burn
- Your tax dollars at work
- Some courage in the media
- What is the deal Iranians and the Holocoast? Are they positioning themselves to take over bin Laden’s place as anti-west figurehead in spite of whole Shiite thing?
Sunday rapid fire
- A nice summary of the demographic predicament of the Democratic Party. The Roe Effect is curiously unmentioned.
- 39 Mega pixel digicam! Via Digg.
- A very good article on NRO about the current state of 527 organizations.
…led by the so-called 527 groups, was a broad-based, grassroots effort, it was, in fact dependent in substantial part on just five donors: financier George Soros, Progressive Insurance chairman Peter Lewis, Hollywood mogul Stephen Bing, and the California investors Herbert and Marion Sandler. Together, they spent about $78 million in the effort to defeat the president  more than the $75 million in federal funds that each presidential candidate received to conduct his entire general election campaign. (It was also more than twice what the late-starting top five Republican 527 donors spent on their side.)
The low number of people funding really does explain a lot about the Kerry campaign.
- The Iranians seem to refine technique.
- A good look at what could the scenario with the FISA/NSA case. One thing I would still like clarified: Is it wiretapping when it is recorded, or when someone listens to it? It still seems like a massive amount of datamining to me.
- Blues guitarist Rory Block has an unappealing FrontPage website, but a very interesting life story.
- I intent do explore AJAX more thoroughly when I have more time, but here is a tutorial, and a good open source download site. Here is an AJAX library it seems.