Random Photo
I thought this looked nice.
Now I’m done
I just got the holder for my bluescreen, and I’m now finally done buying photography stuff off of E-Bay. All I really need for my full digital studio is lights, and those are kind of pricey on e-bay anyway.
Two good things
- This is an ad with lovely visuals
- Adobe Photoshop can be legally installed and activated on two computers.
The Hendrix Show
I just returned from the Hendrix show. I had a good time, there was a good turnout and all in all it was a success. It was surprisingly well documented both in audio, video and photo.
Gallery Here (or just click on the Photo.) The photos didn’t turn out to be that notable, but not bad all things being equal.
Reunion photos are up
One the whole I think they turned out fair. There were about 35 photos (mostly from the reunion but a few from the day before) that turned out very poorly due to my mistakes with the Auto Exposure Lock (AEL) feature of the camera. I need to read up a bit on how to use that.
Most of the AEL problems occurred when I was trying to photograph people in the shade while still capturing a lot of the sunny landscape. I deleted the over/under exposed photos from the gallery. Very little retouching has been done to the photos.
When viewing the gallery please note that clicking the main/large image will take you to the next image in the series.
With no further ado
New Gallery Uploaded
I recently visited historic Oakland Cemetery in downtown Atlanta, some of the shots turned out okay.
Tuesday rapid fire
I suppose it’s Wednesday
- Chris Nolan has some good thoughts on the Cindy Sheehan business, dubbing her the Terry Shiavo of the left. This whole matter has gotten sordid faster than I thought it would. On the whole Nolan does fine media criticism.
- A well written (for the genre) analysis of Google Search mechanisms.
- An interesting post on making the word contextual via applied technology (my phrase not theirs) at DefenseTech.
- “the law of averages catches people at the worst times, and survival favors the protected.” and more insight, particularly about IEDs from Michael Yon. The photography is particularly good.
- Articles such as “Officials: Inmates used cell phones to coordinate riots” and many others like tend to confirm the Global Guerillas blog notion of disruption and Open Source warfare
Happy 32 Mr Leland
I just got back from dinner with the House of Leland (celebrating Adam’s recent birthday) at Manuel’s Tavern. I had a nice time. Upon my return through the ever-flooded Dekalb County streets I find that Drex has torn down more of the blinds. Oh well.
Here are the photos I took
Found some old photos from 2001
I was looking for another file and stumbled across these two photos. Add in that new Photoshop action and you get one cool image. These photos were taken from Bishop Street in Midtown, and the subject is what is now Atlantic Station.
A guide to Black and White photography with digital cameras.