
  • Photography

    More sights on the ride

    I rode by the place I talked about in this post, and found that the wheelchair had been moved and that the Terminator 2 object in the back wasn’t a poster at all, but one of several abandoned video game machines. Pictures below.

    And I’m going to experiment with allowing anonymous commenting. Is anyone actually reading this?

  • Cycling,  Photography

    Unexpected to see

    I came across this odd site yesterday while biking on my usual route. I don’t remember seeing any of this before, either the dumpster or the garbage, thought I think there is usually more underbrush in this area. Behind the wheelchair was a poster for Terminator 2, which came out in the early 90s.

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  • family,  Photography

    A day behind on the blogging

    I’m almost caught up on the blogging, now. I went twice around Stone Mountain yesterday with Mike and Erin (happy birthday Erin!) and afterwards we had German good with Mary and Ed.

    Then I fell asleep incredibly early for me (around midnight). When I woke up at 5:50 this morning I thought I’d slept through to the next night.

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  • Bluegrass,  Links,  Photography

    Catch Up Day

    As work has finally relented a tad, here are the links I’ve been meaning to post

    And here is a very grainy photo of the usual Jakes’ bluegrass crew. From left to right is Jim (playing Beths’s guitar, he usually plays dobro), Beth, and Walter on mandolin.

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  • family,  Photography

    Had dinner with Mike and Erin

    At what they called Uncle Julio’s, but to me it will always be Casa Grande. It’s a lovely little Mexican place on Peachtree that I ate at many times when I worked at Bridge. It would seem the I need to elaborate on why the defensive style of Pernell Whittaker is important.

    It was a lovely dinner, someone has torn down the old apartment building next door to the restaurant and left only this gateway.

    I wish I had a better camera so I could go back later and take some good shots of it, but I guess that will have to wait until later in the year.

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  • Photography

    The view from the bike ride

    I took the camera phone with me on my ride today and came across this fallen tree. It’s had to tell from the photo, but this tree seems to have fallen for no apparent reason.

    For about 2 months now a baby carriage has been in the middle of an empty field that is next to the bike path. The carriage seems to be in fine working order, and it has been sitting on it’s side on private property for some time now. Of course, the one time I bring the camera it’s gone.

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